Corporate Social Responsibility

With the environment

The energy problem, climate change and the need to implement clean and efficient technologies that avoid more CO2 emissions and favour energy savings have led us to undertake important measures in this regard. One of the focuses of action ha

Our commitment involves a series of measures that constitute environmental performance in all areas of the business and summarised in a basic document entitled “50 Steps to a Good Environment”.

From the Innovation Department, the projects that Servatur undertakes always involve cross-sectoral aspects relating to responsible energy consumption and care for the environment.

From the Internal and External Communications Department we carry out a permanent campaign to keep our employees, customers and collaborators informed of our environmental policy. We are fully aware of our responsibility towards the environment, which is why we extend our actions to different areas of influence.

With our suppliers

From the Purchasing Department we transmit to our suppliers our interest in the environment and request product specifications that ensure the environmental quality of the same.

With our collaborators

From the Commercial Department we collaborate continuously with tour operators and customers in environmental programmes.

With our community

From the Training and Quality Department, Servatur has been admitted to the Entorno Network of Companies Committed to the Environment, having participated in the Environmental Training Programme for the hotel sector.

Our awareness of the importance and need for investment in R&D for our company’s business environment has led Servatur to sign a sponsorship agreement in the Innova Canarias 2020 Programme with the Las Palmas University Foundation.

We participate in labour integration policies for young university students via a collaboration agreement with the University Foundation of Las Palmas.

A commitment to training in all its dimensions is one of the distinctive features of our company. In 1998 Servatur signed a collaboration agreement with the Department of Education of the Government of the Canary Islands. This agreement has made it possible to develop a Vocational Training Educational Project within the company and, at the same time, has produced excellent results in very interesting aspects for all the parties involved. As part of its Ongoing Training Plan, Servatur regularly receives trainees from different educational institutions, who are attended to with thoroughness and professionalism, aware of the advantages that this action entails for an organisation in the workplace.

Accessibility of our tourist destination and of the establishments we manage is of great concern to us because of the economic and social importance of the ability or inability to serve a segment of the population (European and world-wide) that wishes to travel and finds it difficult to do so. While this reality is grossly unfair to this segment of the population, it is equally irresponsible and short-sighted from an economic point of view. We are committed to the dissemination of the culture of accessibility in an effort to overcome the lack of awareness of this issue.

At present, and as part of its global objectives of cooperation with the community, we are developing and are about to finalise our Corporate Compliance process with the aim of involving the company’s management and middle management teams more directly in the multiple legal responsibilities in which the business activity is immersed.

Servatur also makes annual donations to Doctors Without Borders and the Spanish Cancer Association. It also sponsors sports and, specifically, in 2018 supported sailor Tara Pacheco on her way to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Child Protection Policy

Servatur firmly believes that no minor should experience any kind of abuse (physical, emotional or sexual), neglect or exploitation. As such, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, we are committed to respecting and protecting all children under the age of 18 who stay at our establishment, as well as those who work or reside on our premises, ensuring that they are protected from all forms of abuse, exploitation or neglect.

We can keep children safe:

  • By not resorting to child labour and respecting the legal minimum working age.
  • By valuing, listening to, and respecting them.
  • By being aware of the dangers of crimes committed through the misuse of travel facilities and, as a result, taking responsibility for children staying in hotels.
  • By training our employees to spot signs of child abuse and to report any inappropriate behaviour or interaction between an adult and a minor that is perceived as suspicious. Staff members should report any inappropriate behaviour to a superior, who will take the necessary action: informing the local police or the relevant tour operator.
  • By requesting customers, suppliers and subcontractors to report any conduct they may consider inappropriate towards a child to a member of management, who will take action to investigate accordingly.

Child Protection Procedure:

  • Contact hotel management or the person in charge on duty. Report the inappropriate behaviour detected.
  • Hotel management will contact the hotel’s Child Protection Officer and the situation will be investigated internally.
  • If the person responsible for Child Protection and the hotel management believe, after due investigation, that child abuse has been committed, they will inform the local police or the relevant tour operator.

With our employees

We take every effort to ensure equal treatment in remuneration policy and internal promotion in the company, as we are aware that these are problems that are still present in our society.

We also pursue an active policy to prevent abuses of power by declaring the company’s firm opposition to such practices and offering support to workers who may be subjected to them.

With our shareholders and investors

We carry out responsible, transparent management, and work diligently to obtain the maximum possible profitability, seeking controlled growth and an increase in the value of the company.

Hard work is required if we are to ensure that the company is able to respond to the sudden, rapid changes that are taking place in society and in the business world. Success in this task is the best guarantee for the future of an organisation.