Transparency and Good Governance

Servatur, S.A. is a public limited company incorporated on the 12th of November, 1976. Its corporate purpose is the operation of hotels, apartments, bungalows, restaurants and other tourist facilities, either in its own establishments, or leased or managed on behalf of third parties. It currently operates in the Canary Islands, with its registered office at Calle Doramas, 4, Patalavaca, in the municipality of Mogán, Las Palmas.

You may consult the history of the company in the following link: About Servatur.

As a public limited company, the organisation is governed by articles of association, the ultimate governance of the company being in the hands of the six-member board of directors.

The management team of Servatur, S.A. are responsible for the company’s operations, at all times following the guidelines established by the board of directors. They make daily operational, economic, social and environmental decisions backed by a qualified, responsible and exceptional team.

One of Servatur’s main values is transparency, which is why we publish information relating to both our management and the economic results obtained, while complying with State Law 19/2013, of the 9th of December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, and Canary Islands Law 12/2014, of the 26th of December, on transparency and access to public information, which affects us according to its article 3, for being a private entity that receives aid or subsidies, in an amount greater than 60,000 euros, charged to the Budgets of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, for the financing of its activities and ordinary operation.

Within the organisation, the body responsible for ensuring transparency of the organisation and compliance with the reporting obligations established by law, is the management team.

Persons with links to the organisation may request information in person at the headquarters (C\Doramas, nº4, Mogán), or by e-mail to, with the Subject of the email: Transparency.

Following the recommendations of the Transparency Commissioner of the Canary Islands, which you can access at anytime at,we have divided the information into several categories; in the following links you may consult the information we publish: