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Pre check-in online

Más rápido, más cómodo

Selecciona el hotel donde quieres realizar pre check-in. Sólo disponible en algunos complejos.
Necesitarás el número de localizador, que se encuentra en tu confirmación de reserva, en ocasiones indicado como localizador, en otras como referencia o ID de reserva.

Servatur Hotels & Resorts:

by Servatur:

Advantages of booking on this website

Best Price
Club Servatur
More availability
More flexibility
Payment on arrival*
*Other conditions may apply to some rates
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Pre check-in online

Faster, more comfortable

Select the hotel where you want to pre check-in. Only available at some resorts.

You will need the locator number, which can be found on your booking confirmation, sometimes shown as a locator, sometimes as a reference or booking ID.

Servatur Hotels & Resorts:

by Servatur:

Advantages of booking on this website

Best Price
Club Servatur
More availability
More flexibility
Payment on arrival*
*Other conditions may apply to some rates