Romantic Getaway

Pack Gold Romantic pack. Includes: decoration in the room, seasonal fruit, chocolate and a bottle of Sparkling white wine Freixenet. Please contact at the hotel reception before your arrival in order to choose which day during your stay you wish to enjoy this package.

This offer includes:

  • Pack Gold
  • Wifi
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Pre check-in online

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Selecciona el hotel donde quieres realizar pre check-in. Sólo disponible en algunos complejos.
Necesitarás el número de localizador, que se encuentra en tu confirmación de reserva, en ocasiones indicado como localizador, en otras como referencia o ID de reserva.

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Pre check-in online

Faster, more comfortable

Select the hotel where you want to pre check-in. Only available at some resorts.

You will need the locator number, which can be found on your booking confirmation, sometimes shown as a locator, sometimes as a reference or booking ID.

Servatur Hotels & Resorts:

by Servatur:

Advantages of booking on this website

Best Price
Club Servatur
More availability
More flexibility
Payment on arrival*
*Other conditions may apply to some rates